Collect and explore

Welcome to RavenVerse

Explore our collection of 100+ handcrafted crystals and discover the mysteries that lie within.


Active users

200K+ RVN

already earned


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NFT collect and Play To Earn game

RavenVerse is a unique NFT project on the ravencoin blockchain, featuring 100 handmade crystals with mysterious, undiscovered powers. Each eligible NFT grants special abilities and benefits in the RavenVerse world. There are also stunning 1 of 1 artworks. In addition, regular rewards and a unique currency “$RVNV” can be earned by playing or owning an NFT. Explore the surreal, distant galaxy of RavenVerse.



We are a strong and growing community, with new members joining every day.

Collect Crystals

Discover over 100+ crystals, these special crystals grant abilities and benefits to their owners, making them very rare in our community.

Play 2 Earn

Our play-to-earn system allows players to earn rewards and a in-game currency through gameplay and ownership of an crystal or unique item.

Explore Planets

Explore dozens of incredible planets, each with its own unique landscapes and surrealism.

Enjoy The Lore

Explore the depths of Ravenverse’s rich and surreal lore and uncover its secrets.

Craft New NFTs

Collect outer space resources that you could never think of and use them to craft new NFTs.

Own Your World

Players can have their own world in Ravenverse. Customize it and invite friends to join and travel the outer world.

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